
Our Mission

BECKY’S FUND is a nonprofit organization working to end domestic violence through education, advocacy and service.

Our interactive workshops for young men and women – MEN OF CODE, BECOMING YOUR OWN HERO and NATIONAL DOMESTIC VIOLENCE COLLEGE TOUR – are focused on healthy relationships, prevention and empowerment. We also provide emergency support services and resources for those in need. Through these programs and our signature fundraiser, WALK THIS WAY, we work to bring an end domestic violence today and for future generations.

Download the Becky’s Fund Media Kit (PDF)

The Problem

Domestic violence can affect any individual, regardless of their circumstances.

Domestic violence cuts across demographics and socioeconomic levels. A widespread misconception that domestic violence only affects women in rural, poor underserved communities is not only wrong, but dangerous to propagate. In reality, it’s extremely prevalent — 1 in 3 women and  1 in 4 men have been or will be victims of some form of physical violence by an intimate partner within their lifetime. That adds up to more than ten million people a year in the United States.

Domestic violence is a complex issue. No one-size-fits-all solution exists. 

Discussions of domestic violence on the national level do not emphasize a nuanced understanding of the issue. Conversations frequently include incorrect, widely spread assumptions, harmful victim-blaming, and misinformation. To really understand the factors that hinder healthy relationships, as well as the downstream impact of domestic violence on people’s lives, it’s important to consider this phenomenon in a truly holistic fashion. 

Domestic violence takes many forms. 

Across several “shades of abuse” — including physical, verbal, psychological, digital, sexual and financial — domestic violence can look quite different from survivor to survivor.

Our Unique Approach

At BECKY’S FUND, we believe that healthy relationships are the leading deterrent of domestic violence. We help survivors help themselves to move forward, and teach young people how to build healthy relationships. Addressing violence against women and girls is often considered the duty of women and girls, but Becky’s Fund invites and welcomes men and boys into the conversation. Our holistic approach is what differentiates us.

We are at the forefront of prevention. By engaging young men and women, survivors, and members of the community, we help people across all demographic and socioeconomic levels recognize the differences between healthy and unhealthy relationships and then provide the tools to help both themselves and each other. The only way we are going to break the cycle of continuing violence is to reach out to the next generation in their formative years, to give them a different model and the tools with which they can turn away from violence and become role models for their peers.

Our Leadership

Partners and Supporters

No single individual or organization can put an end to domestic violence. It takes the time, dedication, vigilance and financial resources of many. This is why we work with leading organizations to provide direct relief services for survivors in times of crisis and with corporate partners and supporters who help us make a difference in our communities.

Orange Theory Fitness